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Alternative Electricity Services

On 16 April 2024, the State Government of Western Australia passed legislation to regulate the provision of Alternative Electricity Services (AES).

The AES framework, which extends customer protections to new and emerging electricity services, will commence in 2025.

The ERA is responsible for administering and enforcing the framework.

The State Government is considering whether embedded networks and on-site power supply arrangements will be the first services regulated under the AES framework.

Embedded networks

An embedded network is a private electricity network servicing multiple lots or tenancies within the one property. It is connected to the grid through a “master meter” that measures the electricity supplied for everyone on that property at that connection point.

Embedded networks can be found in apartment buildings, retirements villages, caravan and long stay parks, shopping centres, office blocks, industrial parks, university and health campuses, airports, and seaports.

On-site power supply arrangements

An on-site power supply arrangement allows a customer to use all or part of the electricity from an energy system that is installed on their property. The provider of the on-site power supply owns the energy system, not the customer, and charges the customer for the power used.

The customer purchases electricity from the grid, as well as from the on-site power system.

Further information

The ERA is preparing for this new function and will update this page as new information is available.

You can contact the AES team on

Information on the development of, and the services proposed to be regulated under, the AES framework is available on the Energy Policy WA website.

If you would like to receive email notifications about the ERA's AES work, please subscribe for updates.

Page last updated: 23 Apr 2024