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Current Consultations

Public consultation is an important part of the ERA's transparent decision-making process. We invite public submissions to gain the views of stakeholders and interested parties. All submissions received are taken into account in our decision-making. Submissions we receive are published on this website.

If a submission contains confidential information, you should notify the ERA of this when making your submission. The submission must clearly identify the information that is the subject of the claim for confidentiality and you must also supply a non-confidential version of the submission.

Submissions must be received by the deadline. We prefer to receive submissions electronically via our online form.

Please contact us if you do not receive an email receipt after submitting online.


If you are not able to submit online, please use one of the following options:

post: Level 4, 469 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000

Page last updated: 13 Mar 2025