The model alternative options contract forms part of Western Power’s alternative options strategy that it is required to publish under the Electricity Network’s Access Code 2004. The requirement for an alternative options strategy was introduced as part of the changes made to the Access Code in September 2020 to support the delivery of the State Government’s Energy Transformation Strategy. The changes provide greater transparency and opportunity for third parties to provide efficient non-network solutions to Western Power.
Western Power submitted its proposed alternative options contract to the ERA for approval. The ERA published the model contract for public consultation on 19 October 2021. Submissions received are published below.
The submissions were provided to Western Power for its consideration, including discussion as needed with relevant stakeholders. Western Power submitted a revised model alternative options contract to the ERA containing changes made after consideration of the submissions and a report detailing the changes made or, where changes proposed in submissions have not been agreed to by Western Power, the reasons for not adopting those changes.