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Byford PV Solar Farms

The ERA approved an application from Western Power to provide a constrained connection to WestGen Pty Ltd’s Byford PV solar farm. The generation output from the solar farm will be runback (reduced) as required to prevent overloading in the network.

Western Power submitted an application to the ERA for an exemption from the Technical Rules in October 2014. As part of the consultation and review process, the ERA published an issues paper and invited interested parties to make submissions on Western Power’s application. Two submissions were received.

The ERA appointed Geoff Brown & Associates to provide advice on the technical aspects of the application. Western Power submitted an amended application in December 2014, taking account of concerns raised in the public submissions and technical review.


Date Documents File type
23-Dec-14 Byford - Technical Consultant Report - Geoff Brown and Associates
Adobe PDF 846 kB

Description: Byford - Technical Consultant Report - Geoff Brown and Associates
23-Dec-14 Byford - Technical Rules Exemption - Determination - Application
Adobe PDF 457 kB

23-Dec-14 Byford PV solar farm - Technical Rules Exemption - Determination
Adobe PDF 360 kB

Description: Byford PV solar farm - Technical Rules Exemption
18-Nov-14 Byford - Issues paper on application from WP
Adobe PDF 290 kB

Description: Byford - Byford - Issues paper on application from WP
18-Nov-14 Western Power Submisison - Technical Rules - Byford Solar
Adobe PDF 280 kB

Description: Western Power Submission - Technical Rules - Byford Solar

Public Submissions

Date Documents File type
04-Dec-14 Byford PV - submission - Community Electricity
Adobe PDF 105 kB

Description: Byford PV - submission - Community Electricity
04-Dec-14 Byford PV - submission - IMO
Adobe PDF 1 MB

Description: Byford PV - submission - IMO
Page last updated: 23 Oct 2018