In April 2016, Western Power proposed the following amendments to its Technical Rules:
- amendments to the wording of the Normal Cyclic Rating (NCR) criterion,which outlines the permissible level of power loss following the unplanned loss of a supply transformer at a substation
- the replacement of references to Electricity (Supply Standards and System Safety) Regulations 2001 with references to Electricity (Network Safety) Regulations 2015
- correction of an incorrect cross reference in Clause 4.2.1(b)
- correction of the misspelling of the word “Distribution” in the title of Section 5
- additions to the Glossary of the Technical Rules that will allow the Rules to automatically adopt revisions to Standards and Regulations “as amended from time to time”.
The ERA published its final decision in November 2016.
The revised Technical Rules took effect on 1 December 2016.