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BRCP WEM Procedure Review Working Group

The Economic Regulation Authority is undertaking a review of the procedure used to determine the Benchmark Reserve Capacity Price (BRCP) under clause 4.16.9 of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules.

On 23 November 2023, the Market Advisory Committee (MAC) established the BRCP WEM Procedure Review Working Group to support the ERA’s review.

The ERA will provide administrative support and appoint the Chair of BRCP WEM Procedure Review Working Group. All papers relating to the Working Group are published here.

The Chair of the BRCP WEM Procedure Review Working Group will have discretion to allow additional attendees, such as subject matter experts, to attend specific meetings or workshops, either generally or on a case-by-case basis.

On 13 June 2024, the MAC disbanded the BRCP WEM Procedure Review Working Group. The Working Group had concluding providing advice for the ERA’s review as per its terms of reference. All inactive MAC Working Groups are available on this Energy Policy WA webpage.

Meeting Dates

  • 18 December 2023
  • 6 February 2024
  • 22 February 2024
  • 19 April 2024

Working Group Papers

Documents File type
Meeting 4 - 19 April 2024 - Minutes Adobe PDF 168 kB
Meeting 4 - 19 April 2024 - Meeting papers Adobe PDF 1.29 MB
Meeting 3 - 22 February 2024 - Minutes Adobe PDF 169 kB
Meeting 3 - 22 February 2024 - Meeting papers Adobe PDF 1.95 MB
Meeting 2 - 6 February 2024 - Minutes Adobe PDF 158 kB
Meeting 2 - 6 February 2024 - Meeting Papers Adobe PDF 814 kB
Meeting 1 - 18 December 2023 - Minutes Adobe PDF 218 kB
Meeting 1 - 18 December 2023 - Meeting Papers Adobe PDF 174 kB
Terms of Reference Adobe PDF 195 kB

Working Group Members

Name Organisation Contact
Dr Matt Shahnazari Economic Regulation Authority
Ben Tan Telsa Holdings 
Wesley Medrana Synergy
Oscar Carlberg Alinta Energy
Hari Sridhar
Transalta corporation
Tessa Liddelow Shell Energy
Gerry Devereux AEMO
Vincent Chye
AGL/Perth Energy
Dimitri Lorenzo
Bluewaters Power
Noel Schubert
WA Expert Consumer Panel
Jake Flynn
Collgar Renewables
Dora Guzeleva
Energy Policy WA
Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024