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WEM Procedures

The WEM Rules require WEM Procedures to be developed and maintained. The WEM Procedures set out the processes required to carry out obligations under the WEM Rules.

The ERA is responsible for maintaining WEM Procedures and a list of materials used for monitoring purposes. Current versions of these documents are available below:

ERA Papers

Date Documents File type
27-Nov-24 WEM Procedure ERA Triggering the SESSM, version 2.0 (clean version)
Adobe PDF 210 kB
27-Nov-24 WEM Procedure Portfolio Determination, version 2.0 (clean version)
Adobe PDF 364 kB
04-Nov-24 Monitoring Protocol Adobe PDF 622 kB
26-Jul-24 Benchmark Reserve Capacity Prices Adobe PDF 365 kB

Previous ERA WEM Procedure Documents

Date Documents File type
01-Sep-23 ERA triggering the SESSM WEM Procedure (version 1.0) Adobe PDF 205 kB
01-Sep-23 Portfolio determination WEM Procedure (version 1.0) Adobe PDF 362 kB


Visit Energy Policy WA for more information on the commencement of the new WEM.

Requesting a Procedure Change

Only the party responsible for a WEM Procedure can initiate the Procedure Chage Process for that procedure. Rule Participants may suggest changes to a WEM Procedure. All suggestions for amendment or replacement of an ERA WEM Procedure should be sent to

Requesting offer construction guidance

Market Participants that have received a notice from the ERA under clauses 2.16C.1(c)(ii) or 2.16C.2(d) of the WEM Rules may, in accordance with clause 2.16D.6 of the WEM Rules, request guidance from the ERA in relation to the Offer Construction Guideline.

For the ERA to consider providing guidance, a request must:

  • be in writing, using the form linked below.
  • identify the matters in the Offer Construction Guideline on which the Market Participant is seeking guidance.
  • specify the Market Participant's reasons for seeking guidance.
  • where relevant, provide supporting materials that illustrate or evidence the matters raised in the request.

A Request offer construction guidance form can be completed and submitted to

The ERA is only required to consider requests for guidance on the Offer Construction Guideline that pertain to WEM Rule 2.16D.5. However, the ERA may consider queries that are not bound by WEM Rule 2.16D.5.

Other WEM Procedures

AEMO's WEM Procedures are available from AEMO's website.

The ERA is required to approve AEMO’s Monitoring and Reporting Protocol WEM Procedure. The ERA published its decision to approve AEMO's protocol on 15 May 2019.

The Coordinator's WEM Procedures are available on their website.

ERA Procedure Change Processes - In Progress

No processes currently underway.

ERA Procedure Change Processes - Complete

Market Surveillance Data Catalogue Requirements List

Clause 2.16.2A of the WEM Rules requires the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) and the Coordinator of Energy to:

  • develop and provide to AEMO a list of data items that must be included by AEMO in the Market Surveillance Data Catalogue (MSDC requirements list); and
  • publish a list which contains the MSDC requirements list along with a list of WEM Rules that the ERA requires AEMO to monitor for compliance.

Under clause 2.16.2B, AEMO is required to provide the ERA and Coordinator of Energy with access to all data items in the MSDC requirements list.


Date Documents File type
13-Nov-24 Market Surveillance Data Catalogue Requirements List V2.0 Adobe PDF 212 kB
Page last updated: 06 Dec 2024