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2014 Inquiry to Consider the Efficiency and Performance of WA Prisons

In 2014-2015, the ERA conducted an inquiry into options to improve the efficiency and performance of Western Australian prisons.

In accordance with the terms of reference, we provided advice based on economic, market and regulatory principles. We also provided advice on the design of appropriate performance standards, incentives and performance monitoring processes for the prison system.

Throughout the consultation process the ERA received 35 submissions in response to its issues paper, discussion paper and draft report.

The submissions are available on our website, with the exception of three confidential submissions.

Several roundtable discussions were held with key stakeholders to discuss the contents of the discussion paper. The ERA's final report was presented to the Treasurer on 8 October, 2015.

The Treasurer has published the final report in Parliament.

Key documents

Date Documents File type
04-Nov-15 Fact Sheet - Final Report - Prisons Inquiry
Adobe PDF 284 kB

04-Nov-15 Final Report - Inquiry into the Efficiency and Performance of Western Australian Prisons
Adobe PDF 3 MB

04-Nov-15 Final Report Data Tables - Inquiry into the Efficiency and Performance of Western Australian Prisons
Microsoft Excel 218 kB

04-Nov-15 Prison Benchmarking Manual - Inquiry into the Efficiency and Performance of Western Australian Prisons
Adobe PDF 252 kB

09-Jul-15 Draft report
Adobe PDF 2 MB

Description: Inquiry into the efficiency and performance of Western Australian Prisons
18-Mar-15 Discussion paper
Adobe PDF 781 kB

Description: Inquiry into the efficiency and performance of Western Australian Prisons
11-Nov-14 Issues paper
Adobe PDF 2 MB

Description: Inquiry into the efficiency and performance of Western Australian Prisons
10-Oct-14 Terms of Reference
Adobe PDF 694 kB

Description: Inquiry into the efficiency and performance of Western Australian Prisons
Page last updated: 03 Dec 2018