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The ERA publishes notices relating to its activities and decisions. Email subscribers are advised of announcements as soon as they are published. Subscribe to our mailing list.

ERA notices are available chronologically in the table below. You can use the boxes below to filter to a particular industry and type of activity.

Showing results 851 to 900 of 3188 results.
Date Documents File type
29-Nov-18 2018 Statutory review of the Energy and Water Ombudsman - Publication of report
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29-Nov-18 Determination of WACC (2018) for Rail Networks - Publication of Submissions
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29-Nov-18 Updated list of exemptions to Western Power’s Technical Rules
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29-Nov-18 Water Supply, Sewerage and Irrigation Performance Data 2018
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27-Nov-18 Wesfarmers Kleenheat Gas Pty Ltd - 2018 asset management system review
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22-Nov-18 TEC Desert Pty Ltd and TEC Desert No. 2 Pty Ltd (trading as Southern Cross Energy Partnership) - 2018 performance audits and asset management system review
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21-Nov-18 Athena Water Solutions Pty Ltd - Decision to grant water services licence 49 and approve financial hardship policy
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21-Nov-18 Proposed revised access arrangement for the Mid West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems - Public submissions received
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19-Nov-18 Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Western Power submits amended proposed access arrangement
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16-Nov-18 Non-scheme Gas Pipeline Exemption Revocation - Final decision on revocation application for the Kambalda to Esperance Gas Pipeline
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15-Nov-18 Newmont Power Pty Ltd - 2018 Performance audit and asset management system review
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15-Nov-18 Rate of Return Guidelines for Gas Transmission and Distribution Networks - Release of Indepenedent Panel review of the ERA Draft Rate of Return Guidelines
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13-Nov-18 ERA Consumer Consultative Committee Communique of meeting 8 November 2018
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13-Nov-18 Investigation of Non-Compliant Balancing Submissions after Gate Closure
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13-Nov-18 Wholesale Electricity Market and Gas Services Information Rules - Compliance Strategy
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07-Nov-18 Report to the Minister on the Economic Regulation Authority’s compliance
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05-Nov-18 2018 Gas Rate of Return - Consultation on the Debt Risk Premium Process
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05-Nov-18 ATCO Power Australia (Karratha) Pty Ltd - Minor amendments to Electricity Generation Licence 21
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22-Oct-18 Inquiry into reform of business licensing in Western Australia - Release of draft report
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22-Oct-18 Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd - Decision to grant water services licence no. 48 and approve financial hardship policy
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Description: Notice WL48 - Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd - Decision to grant water services licence no. 48 and approve financial hardship policy
16-Oct-18 Alinta Energy Transmission (Chichester) Pty Ltd - Decision to grant Electricity Integrated Regional Licence No. 10
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Description: Notice - Alinta Energy Transmission (Chichester) Pty Ltd - Decision to grant Electricity Integrated Regional Licence No. 10
15-Oct-18 Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Time extended for Western Power to submit amended proposed access arrangement
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12-Oct-18 Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee - Appointment of members for 2018 to 2020
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Description: Notice - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee - Appointment of members for 2018 to 2020
11-Oct-18 Proposed revised access arrangement for the Mid West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems - Publication of Issues Paper
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Description: Notice - Proposed revised access arrangement for the Mid West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems - Publication of Issues Paper
04-Oct-18 Aquasol Pty Ltd - 2018 operational audit and asset management system review
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Description: Notice- WL42 operational audit and asset management system review report 2018
04-Oct-18 Landfill Gas & Power Pty Ltd - 2018 Performance Audit
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Description: Notice - Landfill Gas & Power Pty Ltd - 2018 Performance Audit
03-Oct-18 Approval of amendment to Esperance Gas Distribution Company's standard form contract - Gas Trading Licence GTL11
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Description: Notice - Approval of amendment to Esperance Gas Distribution Company's standard form contract - Gas Trading Licence GTL11
03-Oct-18 Review of Western Power’s Model Service Level Agreement - Time extended for Publication of Draft Findings
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Description: Notice - Review of Western Power’s Model Service Level Agreement - Time extended for Publication of Draft Findings
01-Oct-18 Amended Financial Hardship Policy Guidelines for electricity and gas licences - Invitation for submissions
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Description: Amended Financial Hardship Policy Guidelines for electricity and gas licences - Invitation for submissions
25-Sep-18 ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd - Type 1 licence contravention
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Description: Notice - ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd - Type 1 licence contravention
20-Sep-18 Proposed revisions to the Western Power network access arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Release of final decision
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Description: Notice - Proposed revisions to the Western Power network access arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Release of final decision
18-Sep-18 Proposed revised access arrangement for the Mid West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems - Invitation for public submissions
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06-Sep-18 Non-Scheme Pipeline Arbitration Guide
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Description: Notice - Non-Scheme Pipeline Arbitration Guide
05-Sep-18 Australian Energy Market Operator allowable revenue and forecast capital expenditure 2016/17 to 2018/19 - Forecast capital expenditure adjustment - Invitation for public submissions
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Description: Notice- Australian Energy Market Operator allowable revenue and forecast capital expenditure 2016/17 to 2018/19 - Forecast capital expenditure adjustment - Invitation for public submissions
04-Sep-18 Moama Lifestyle Villages Pty Ltd - 2017 Operational audit and asset management system review
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Description: Notice - Moama Lifestyle Villages Pty Ltd - 2017 Operational audit and asset management system review
04-Sep-18 Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/08 to 2021/22 - Time extended for publiciation of final decision
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Description: Notice - Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/08 to 2021/22 - Time extended for publication of final decision
04-Sep-18 Publication of Perth Energy's financial hardship policy
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31-Aug-18 Reference Tariff Variation - 1 October 2018
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Description: Goldfields Gas Pipeline - Quarterly reference tariff variation - 1 October 2018
27-Aug-18 Call for expressions of interest - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee Membership
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Description: Call for expressions of interest - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee Membership
24-Aug-18 Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd - Water licence application - Publication of public submissions
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Description: Notice - Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd - Water licence application - Publication of public submissions
20-Aug-18 Draft Rate of Return Guidelines (2018) for Gas Transmission and Distribution Networks - Invitation to attend stakeholder forum
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Description: Notice - Draft Rate of Return Guidelines (2018) for Gas Transmission and Distribution Networks - Invitation to attend stakeholder forum
17-Aug-18 Notice - Draft Gas Rate of Return Guidelines 2018 - Appointment of Independent Panel
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17-Aug-18 Notice - Proposed Revisions to the Western Power network access arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/2022 - New rate of return information to be considered
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06-Aug-18 Athena Water Solutions water licence application - Public submission by the Department of Health
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Description: Notice - WL49 Athena Water Solutions water licence application - Public submission by the Department of Health
31-Jul-18 Wholesale Electricity Market and Gas Services Information Rules Compliance Report
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Description: Notice - Market and GSI Rules Compliance Report to 30 June 2018
30-Jul-18 Australian Competition Tribunal's judgement on the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline merits review
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Description: Notice - Australian Competition Tribunal's judgement on the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline merits review
30-Jul-18 Consultation on electricity licence application - Alinta Energy Transmission (Chichester) Pty Ltd
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Description: Notice - Consultation on electricity licence application - Alinta Energy Transmission (Chichester) Pty Ltd
30-Jul-18 Consultation on water licence application - Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd
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Description: Notice - Consultation on water licence application - Moore River Water Services Pty Ltd
30-Jul-18 Decision to approve the transfer of Electricity Generation Licence No. 27 - SRV GRSF Pty Ltd as trustee for GRSF Trust
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Description: Notice - Decision to approve the transfer of Electricity Generation Licence No. 27 - SRV GRSF Pty Ltd as trustee for GRSF Trust
20-Jul-18 Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Time extended for publication of final decision
Adobe PDF 142 kB

Description: Notice - Proposed Revisions to the Western Power Network Access Arrangement 2017/18 to 2021/22 - Time extended for publication of final decision
Page last updated: 16 Aug 2019