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Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd

Roy Hill Infrastructure’s railway line transports iron ore from its mine in the Pilbara to Port Hedland. This railway line is subject to the WA rail access regime under the Railway (Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2010.

The regime requires that regulatory instruments, including Segregation Arrangements and Part 5 instruments (Train Path Policy, Train Management Guidelines, Costing Principles and Over-payment Rules) are approved by the ERA to ensure that negotiations may occur under the Code for access to the railway.

After consulting on the proposed instruments and draft decisions for each of the instruments and Segregation Arrangements the ERA published its final decision on the segregation arrangements on 7 April 2017 and the Part 5 instruments on 29 June 2017.

The ERA published the Roy Hill Infrastructure’s first approved Segregation Arrangements on 7 August 2017 and the Part 5 instruments on 21 September 2017.

The ERA is currently undertaking a review of the Roy Hill’s Over-payment rules and Standard access provisions.

The Roy Hill Infrastructure submitted amended Over-payment rules and their first Standard access provisions for review and approval by the ERA as required by the amendments of the Railways (Access) Code 2000 in December 2023.

The proposed Over-payment rules and the Standard access provision are currently open for public consultation and can be found below.

Approved segregation arrangements and Part 5 Instruments

Final decisions 

Draft decisions 

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2025