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Energy Offer Price Ceiling

From 1 October 2023, the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) operates under new rules where energy and five frequency co-optimised essential system services (FCESS) are co-optimised and dispatched in five-minute intervals.

Offers in the WEM are capped at the Energy Offer Price Ceiling to mitigate the exercise of market power. 

Under the transitional provisions for market price limits, the alternative maximum STEM price for September 2023 (that is $738/MWh) was applied as the Energy Offer Price Ceiling from 1 October 2023.

That price ceiling will be replaced by the value determined the ERA’s current Energy Offer Price Ceiling review. The ERA must review the Energy Offer Price Ceiling at least once every three years following this review.

2024 Review

The ERA proposed the value of Energy Offer Price Ceiling as $1500/MWh and released a draft determination on 8 April 2024. The draft determination was open for consultation until 31 May 2024.

The ERA received seven submissions during the consultation period.

After considering feedback from stakeholders the ERA will publish a final determination. The value of Energy Offer Price Ceiling will be implemented at least five business days after the final determination is published.

The ERA must publish the final determination by 1 January 2025.

Public submissions

Date Documents File type
09-Jul-24 AEMO
Adobe PDF 192 kB

Description: AEMO
09-Jul-24 Collgar Renewables
Adobe PDF 319 kB

Description: Collgar Renewables
09-Jul-24 NewGen Power Kwinana
Adobe PDF 72 kB

Description: NewGen Power Kwinana
09-Jul-24 Newmont Mining
Adobe PDF 21 kB

Description: Newmont Mining
09-Jul-24 Perth Energy
Adobe PDF 165 kB

Description: Perth Energy
09-Jul-24 Synergy
Adobe PDF 365 kB

Description: Synergy
09-Jul-24 The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA
Adobe PDF 295 kB

Description: The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA


Date Documents File type
08-Apr-24 Energy Offer Price Ceiling 2024 - Draft determination
Adobe PDF 854 kB

Description: Energy Offer Price Ceiling 2024 - Draft determination
Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024