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The ERA publishes notices relating to its activities and decisions. Email subscribers are advised of announcements as soon as they are published. Subscribe to our mailing list.

ERA notices are available chronologically in the table below. You can use the boxes below to filter to a particular industry and type of activity.

Showing results 101 to 150 of 3188 results.
Date Documents File type
06-Nov-23 Notice - Southern Cross Energy Partnership - Minor amendments to electricity distribution licence EDL3 and electricity transmission licence ETL4
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03-Nov-23 Notice - Mid-West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems access arrangement 2025-29 - Publication of ATCO additional supporting information
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03-Nov-23 Notice - Western Power’s fifth access arrangement review - Publication of clean version of approved access arrangement and supporting information
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01-Nov-23 Notice - Ord Irrigation Cooperative Ltd - 2023 Operational audit and asset management system review
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30-Oct-23 Notice - Water services licences - Approval of financial hardship policies
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27-Oct-23 Notice - Draft ERA Access and Inclusion Plan - Public Consultation
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27-Oct-23 Notice - Publication of 2023 audit - EIRL2 - Horizon Power
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25-Oct-23 Notice - Rottnest Island Authority - Water licence renewal application
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24-Oct-23 Notice - Proposed revisions to the Mid-West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems access arrangement - Publication of issues paper
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18-Oct-23 Notice - Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee - Call for expressions of interest
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06-Oct-23 Notice - 2023 review of the Compendium of Gas Customer Licence Obligations - Publication of submissions on draft decision
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05-Oct-23 Notice - IPower Pty Ltd and IPower 2 Pty Ltd (t/a Simply Energy) - Publication of amended financial hardship policy
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04-Oct-23 Notice - Benchmark reserve capacity price 2026/27 - Draft determination
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29-Sep-23 Notice - Compliance Framework and Strategy - WEM Monitoring Priorities and Breach Reporting
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27-Sep-23 Notice - City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Approval of amended financial hardship policy
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26-Sep-23 Notice - Busselton Water Corporation - Approval of amended financial hardship policy
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21-Sep-23 Notice - Frequency Co-optimised Essential System Services Offer Price Ceiling - Final determination
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18-Sep-23 Notice - Proposed revisions to the Mid-West and South-West Gas Distribution Systems access arrangement - Invitation for public submissions
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15-Sep-23 Notice - Effectiveness of the Synergy regulatory scheme - 2023 - Publication of discussion paper
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15-Sep-23 Notice - Tronox Management Pty Ltd - Surrender of electricity generation licence EGL23
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14-Sep-23 Notice - WEM Procedures and Compliance Framework - Publication of new WEM Procedure and Compliance framework and strategy
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13-Sep-23 Notice - Australian Energy Market Operator in-period capital expenditure submission - Publication of final determination
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12-Sep-23 Notice - 2022 gas rate of return instrument - Amendments for the gas rate of return instrument
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11-Sep-23 Notice - Determination of 2023 WACC for rail networks - Publication of final determination
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11-Sep-23 Notice - New market guidance - Published: Offer construction guideline and Trading conduct guideline
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08-Sep-23 Notice - Application for exemptions from the Technical Rules submitted by Western Power – Bounty Substation and Kondin – Bounty Sub-Network - Determination
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08-Sep-23 Notice - Lancelin South Pty Ltd - 2023 Operational audit and asset management system review
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08-Sep-23 Notice - Western Power’s technical rules - Proposal to amend
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01-Sep-23 Notice - WEM Procedures - Publication of two new WEM Procedures
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25-Aug-23 Notice - Western Power’s technical rules - Updated list of exemptions
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23-Aug-23 Notice - Draft decision - 2023 review of the Compendium of Gas Customer Licence Obligations - Public consultation
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22-Aug-23 Notice - 2022 Gas Rate of Return Instrument - Publication of submissions
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22-Aug-23 Notice - Non-scheme gas pipelines - 2022 compliance report
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21-Aug-23 Notice - Amanda Energy Pty Ltd - Approval of amended electricity standard form contract
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18-Aug-23 Notice - BHP Nickel West Pty Ltd - 2023 performance audit and asset management system review
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15-Aug-23 Notice - Application for exemptions from the Technical Rules submitted by Western Power – Bounty Substation and Kondinin – Bounty Sub-Network - Public consultation
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10-Aug-23 Notice - Bunbury Water Corporation (trading as Aqwest) - Approval of amended financial hardship policy
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07-Aug-23 Notice - Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules - Report on the Australian Energy Market Operator’s compliance for 2021/22
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03-Aug-23 Notice - Determination of WACC (2023) for rail networks - Publication of submissions
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02-Aug-23 Notice - Eglinton Village Energy Pty Ltd - Decision to grant electricity distribution and retail licences and approve standard form contract
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26-Jul-23 Notice - Perth Energy Pty Ltd - Approval of amended electricity standard form contract
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24-Jul-23 Notice - 2023 Consumer Price Index Adjustments - Electricity Networks Access Code 2004
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21-Jul-23 Notice - 2023 asset management system review - GDL008 - ATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd
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19-Jul-23 Notice – [AR.6] - In Period Capex submission - Draft determination - Notice - Call for submission
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18-Jul-23 Notice - BHP Nickel West Pty Ltd - 2022 Operational audit and asset management system review
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18-Jul-23 Notice - Frequency Co-optimised Essential System Services Offer Price Ceiling
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17-Jul-23 Notice - 2022 Audit - ERL012 - Bluewaters Power 1 Pty Ltd
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17-Jul-23 Notice - 2022 Audit and Review - EGL004 and EGL017 - Bluewaters Power 1 Pty Ltd and Bluewaters Power 2 Pty Ltd
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13-Jul-23 Notice - Merredin Energy Pty Ltd - Surrender of electricity generation licence EGL25
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13-Jul-23 Notice - Shire of Coolgardie - Decision to renew water services licence WL13 and approve financial hardship policy
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Page last updated: 03 Nov 2023