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Access Arrangement for period commencing 2026

The Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) is one of the largest capacity natural gas transmission pipelines in Australia, spanning 1,600 kilometres starting near the township of Dampier, running parallel to the coast of Western Australia, and finishing near Bunbury, south of Perth. It connects the gas fields located in the state’s northwest directly to mining, industrial and commercial customers.

On 8 December 2023, DBNGP (WA) Transmission Pty Ltd (DBP) submitted a reference service proposal the DBNGP. The ERA published DBP’s proposal for consultation on 9 February 2024. On 1 July 2024, the ERA made a decision to not approve DBP’s proposal and subsequently published ERA’s revised Reference Service Proposal. The proposal retains the current three reference service, Full Haul, Part Haul and Back Haul, for the DBNGP’s upcoming (AA6) access arrangement.

The revised access arrangement is due to commence on 1 January 2026.

Decision on DBP’s Reference Service Proposal

Date Documents File type
01-Jul-24 Decision on Reference Service Proposal
Adobe PDF 410 kB

01-Jul-24 ERA’s revised Reference Service Proposal
Adobe PDF 236 kB

Description: ERA’s revised Reference Service Proposal

ERA Consultation on DBNGP’s Reference Service Proposal

Date Documents File type
20-May-24 DBP submission on Reference Service Proposal
Adobe PDF 648 kB

Description: DBP submission on Reference Service Proposal
20-May-24 South32 submission on Reference Service Proposal
Adobe PDF 924 kB

Description: South32 submission on Reference Service Proposal

Reference Service Proposal

Date Documents File type
09-Feb-24 DBP’s reference service proposal
Adobe PDF 913 kB

Description: DBP’s reference service proposal
Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024