- ensuring the Authority’s compliance with relevant legislative requirements through training and audit processes, including in the areas of finance and human resources management;
- improving records management including through the selection and implementation of an appropriate electronic document management system;
- keeping abreast of administrative policies and procedures by reviewing and updating the Authority’s policies in relation to: members’ and employees’ conduct, information technology, human resource management, equal employment opportunity, accounting and finance, risk management and audit, confidentiality, consultation and communications, sustainability, freedom of information and procurement;
- enhancing the quality of management reports by further developing systems and reports and providing training, where necessary, in the use of electronic management reporting systems;
- achieving higher standards including through the implementation of a performance management system;
- improving internal communications through the development of an intranet and staff newsletter; and
- achieving better outcomes through improvements in human resources management.
Planned Achievements
Finance and Administration
Having achieved a great deal since the Authority was established on 1 January 2004, the Finance and Administration Division aims to further expand the delivery of quality administrative services and strive for greater efficiency in the delivery of such services.
In particular, planned achievements include: