Goal 3: The Environment
“To ensure that Western Australia has an environment in which resources are managed, developed and used sustainably, biological diversity is preserved and habitats protected.”
Waste Paper Recycling
Recycling bins are available throughout the Authority's premises. Approximately 3,000 kilograms of paper were collected for recycling during the reporting year.
Energy Smart Government Policy
The Authority understands that the Energy Smart Government Policy applies to agencies with 25 or more full time equivalent (FTE) employees.
The number of staff employed by the Authority during the reporting year varied, but was generally below 25 FTEs.
Due to the timing of approval of the new organisational structure by the Public Sector Management Division of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, the Authority was unable to recruit the necessary staff to implement its new structure until April 2006.
As a result of this recruitment process, the Authority employed more than 25 FTEs at the end of the period under review. It planned to determine its energy-usage baseline in the 2006-07 financial year and implement measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Energy Smart Government Policy.