Stakeholder and Public Communication
The Authority is committed to undertaking open and comprehensive stakeholder and public communication processes in relation to the regulatory matters with which it deals. This is critical in engendering confidence in regulatory processes and outcomes and in ensuring the success of those regulatory processes and outcomes.
In performing its regulatory functions, the Authority is guided by the various codes and acts that outline its obligations in relation to stakeholder and public communication.
Stakeholder and public communication is undertaken in a number of ways, including through comprehensive public consultation involving submissions, public forums, consultative committees (refer to Boards and Committees), specific-purpose conferences and meetings with the Authority or Secretariat.
Submissions from interested parties may be made on either a public or confidential basis. Public submissions are published on the Authority's website:
The Authority's website (
is a key communication tool for the organisation.
During the reporting year, the Authority made significant progress in its redevelopment, with work anticipated to be completed during the 2006-07 financial year.
The new website is being developed in accordance with the Western Australian Government's compliance requirements and consistent with the Authority's corporate image.
In developing the new website, the Authority will aim to ensure that the site is user-friendly and the information provided is easily accessible. This is expected to further improve transparency in the Authority's decision-making processes and facilitate access to information by interested parties.