- Acquire responsibility for assessing and responding to Western Power Corporation's proposed access arrangement and Technical Rules for its network in the South West Interconnected System.
- Monitor performance of network operators against benchmark service standards.
- Monitor and arbitrate transfers of contestable customers between retailers.
- Undertake ongoing monitoring of compliance with ring fencing obligations.
Divisional Operations – Key Deliverables and Achievements
Electricity Access Division
Under the Electricity Networks Access Code 2004 –
- To regulate third party access to electricity transmission and distribution networks in Western Australia which are subject to regulation under the Code, namely Western Power's network in the South West Interconnected System.
Under the Electricity Industry Customer Transfer Code 2004 –
- To approve Communication Rules to govern the transfer of contestable electricity customers between retailers of electricity.
- To arbitrate disputes that may arise between network operators and retailers in relation to the transfer of contestable electricity customers.
Under the Electricity Industry Metering Code 2005 –
- To approve Model Service Level Agreements, Communication Rules, Metrology Procedures and Mandatory Link Criteria proposed by regulated network operators.
- To arbitrate disputes that may arise between network operators and Metering Code participants.
- To approve a registration process for meter installation providers.
Key deliverables and achievements
What we set out to do…
In its 2004–05 Annual Report, the Authority committed to the following work:
What we achieved…
- The Authority became responsible for regulating third party access to electricity networks and issued a Draft Decision on Western Power's proposed access arrangement and Draft Technical Rules for its network in the South West Interconnected System.
- The access arrangement for Western Power's network will set out benchmark service standards. The Authority will begin monitoring Western Power's performance against its benchmark service standards following the approval of the access arrangement. This was expected in the second half of 2006.
- Work on the monitoring of transfers of contestable customers was postponed to the 2006–07 financial year due to resources being concentrated on assessing Western Power's proposed access arrangement and Technical Rules. No disputes arose in relation to the transfer of contestable customers between retailers.
- In March 2005, the Authority published a discussion paper on arrangements to ring fence Western Power Corporation. Further consideration of ring fencing arrangements was deferred following parliamentary passage of the bill to split Western Power Corporation into four separate organisations.
More specifically, the following key achievements were accomplished in the area of electricity access:
- On 21 March 2006, the Authority issued a Draft Decision on Western Power's proposed access arrangement for its network in the South West Interconnected System. The Authority's Draft Decision was to not approve the proposed access arrangement. The Authority is expected to release its Final Decision in the second half of 2006.
- Draft Technical Rules for Western Power's South West Interconnected Network were published on 11 April 2006. Significant progress was made towards finalising the Technical Rules.
- Communication Rules applying to the transfer of contestable electricity customers were approved on 16 December 2005 for Western Power's South West Interconnected Network.
- Communication Rules governing the format and protocols by which Western Power communicates information and data relating to customer meters to retailers were approved on 16 February 2006.
- A Model Service Level Agreement for metering services proposed by Western Power was approved by the Authority. The Model Service Level Agreement specifies the metering services provided by Western Power under the Electricity Industry Metering Code 2005.