Notes to the Financial Statementsfor the year ended 30 June 2006
26. Remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority and senior officers
Remuneration of Members of the Accountable Authority.
The number of members of the Accountable Authority, whose total of fees, salaries, superannuation, non-monetary benefits and other benefits for the financial year, fall within the following bands are:
$ |
2006 |
2005 |
0 – 10,000 |
1 |
– |
60,001– 70,000 |
– |
1 |
70,001– 80,000 |
1 |
1 |
130,001– 140,000 |
1 |
– |
340,001– 350,000 |
1 |
1 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
The total remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority is: | 561 |
487 |
The total remuneration includes the superannuation expense incurred by the Authority in respect of members of the Accountable Authority.
No members of the Accountable Authority are members of the Pension Scheme.
Where a member’s remuneration is zero, the member shall be included in a band labelled ‘$0–$10,000’
Remuneration of Senior Officers
The number of senior officers, other than senior officers reported as members of the Accountable Authority, whose total fees, salaries, superannuation, non-monetary benefits and other benefits for the financial year, fall within the following bands are:
$ |
2006 |
2005 |
130,001–140,000 |
3 |
– |
140,001–150,000 |
– |
1 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
The total remuneration of Senior Officers is: |
402 |
146 |
The total remuneration includes the superannuation expense incurred by the Authority in respect of senior officers other than senior officers reported as members of the Accountable Authority.
No senior officers are members of the Pension Scheme.